ANDORRA wins the 6th European Small Nations Team Championship!

The team of Andorra is the winner of the 6th edition of European Small Nations Team Chess Championship, with a perfect score of 18 match points, and 9 victories out of 9 games. The second place came to Monaco, with a score of 16 match points, anche the bronze medal went to Faroe Islands with 14 match points.

Individual gold medal winners are: GM Helgi Dam Ziska (FAI) board 1 with points 6,5/8, GM Efimov Igor (MNC) board 2 with points 7,5/8, IM Aloma Vidal Robert (AND) board 3 with points 6,5/8, WGM Dornbusch Tatiana (MNC) board 4 with 7,5/9, Jelic Dejan (LIE) for the reserve players.

The Closing ceremony of the Championship took place saturday evening 30th march with attendance of ECU Secretary-General, Mr. Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou, the Vice President of the Italian Chess Federation Mr. Roberto Rivello, the FIDE Zone 1.10 President Mr. Paris Klerides and the San Marino Chess Federation President Mr. Ivan Tabarini. Mr. Tsorbatzoglou underlined the ECU satisfaction for the well-organized event and the ECU intention to continue supporting the Small Nations chess program.

San Marino Chess Federation President, Ivan Tabarini, made a speech at the closing ceremony:

“Dear Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou, General Secretary of the European Chess Union! Dear Roberto Rivello, Vice President of the Italian Chess Federation and Chairman of FIDE Constitutional Commission. Dear Paris Klerides, President of the Small Nation Chess Association! Dear guests and participants of the 6th European Small Nations Team Championship 2019! Dear Ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of the San Marino Chess Federation it is my pleasure to warmly welcome everybody at the closing ceremony of the 6th Small Nations Team Championship 2019 and congratulate the winner of this great Event – the team of ANDORRA.
These days the attention of the chess world was concentrated in San Marino. After one week of excitement, the competition is finally over. We have seen many interesting matches of the distinguished players of the Small Nations countries. I would like to congratulate all the teams and coaches on superb, exciting performances throughout this time. I am confident that this Event will further promote the popularization of our royal game in this hospitable land.
Such an Event cannot happen without a huge amount of team work, effort and commitment, and we have seen all three in action in the lead-in period to this Event and throughout these days.
In terms of effort and commitment, first of all I want to thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the San Marino National Olympic Committee for their big support.
I also like to express my gratitude to the leadership of the World Chess Federation and European Chess Union, Organizing Committee, mass media representatives and volunteers and finally, to all of you here present for putting this Event to a higher level, and for placing San Marino on the map of FIDE.
I strongly believe that our fruitful cooperation will be further strengthened and would contribute much to the development of our relations.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank my colleague and friend Danilo Volpinari, the Tournament Director, for his invaluable help in the organisation of the championship. His professionalism and dedication to work are what make him an incredible person to work with.
I wish all of you good health and good luck!
It is my pleasure once again to congratulate the winners of the 6th Small Nations Team Championship and wish the best of health, prosperity and happiness!
Have a safe trip home. I hope to see all of you next time!”

Mr. Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou, ECU General Secretary, reported the following on his facebook page:

“Yesterday, concluded in San Marino the 6th European National Chess Championship with the ECU support. A very well organized event by the National Federation. ECU shows its appreciation awarding to Ivan Tabarini the President of San Marino Chess Federation the special made ECU Plaquette. It was worth also to know that San Marino is the 3rd historically democracy, however, the oldest existing today without interruption from the 3rd century. We had plenty of historical discussions about the area with Roberto Rivello the Vice President of the Italian Chess Federation also present in the closing ceremony. Last but not least our warm congratulations to Andorra, Monaco, Faroe which won respectively gold, silver and bronze medals as to all participants. Our good friend Renato Frick delivered on behalf of Liechtenstein the ECU flag for the 7th edition of the Championship!”