Welcome greetings by Dr. Marco Podeschi

Dear guests, chess players, managers and supporters of the teams, ladies and gentlemen!
It is with great pleasure that I extend to you all the most heartfelt welcome in the Republic of San Marino.

With me is the whole government of the Republic that feels honored to host the Games of the small states of Europe of Chess, with the awareness that the Chess express art and sport and contribute
to spread the values that these noble expressions of the human soul develop to the highest degree. That’s why we feel proud that in the ancient land of Liberty, so is our land, the Chess Federation is a full member of the National Olympic Committee of San Marino.

Another reason for satisfaction is to see here gathered in this noble competition the Small States of Europe, our friends and brothers,
who together with us and with our own prerogatives and characteristics belong, beyond the individual treaties and the different ones legal situations, to all the peoples that make up the great Europe.
In fact, each of our countries, however small it may be as a surface territorial, is the bearer of great ideals such as freedom, peace, friendship between peoples.

In conclusion, I wish all participants a pleasant stay in our country which offers history, culture and breathtaking landscapes: I hope you will bring a return pleasant memory of our land; in particular I wish all the athletes that they will compete in the art of the 64 boxes to play exciting matches and significant, rich in strategic contents and brilliant “strokes”.

To all of you, thanks for your presence.

State Secretariat for Education and Culture and the University, Research, Information, Sport, Technological Innovation and Relationships with A.A.S.S.

dr. Marco Podeschi